Europe TM Searching: Manual-Full Search


  • 1. Select Add-ons:

  • Would you like to include any of the following Add-ons in the search?
  • 2. Input your details:

  • 3. Hard Copy Required:

  • Would you like a hard copy of the search report delivered to your address?
  • 4. Delivery Speed Preferences:

  • How quickly would you like the search report to be delivered?
  • 5. Select the type(s) of marks to be searched:

  • Please select whether you would want to search a Word Mark or an image Mark or both. If you select, “Both (Word Mark and Image Mark)” two separate searches will be conducted as per the chosen scope and add-ons. To conduct both searches of different scope, order them separately.
  • If you selected “Word Mark” OR “Both (Word Mark and Image Mark)” in 5, please provide the details of the Word Mark in the box below.
  • 6. Additional Instructions, if any

    If you have any specific instructions for this TM search assignment, please provide them below.
  • 7. Confirmation of the Mark Type(s) chosen

    If you have selected “Both (Word Mark & Image Mark” option in 5 above, please update the counter value below to “2”. Otherwise, let it be “1”.
  • $349.00
  • $0.00
  • $349.00
Don`t copy text!